A Major Coping Measure That Helps Children and Families Deal With Problems and Stress Is:

Strategies used to reduce unpleasant emotions

Coping is conscious or unconscious strategies used to reduce unpleasant emotions. Coping strategies can be cognitions or behaviours and can be private or social.

Theories of coping [edit]

Hundreds of coping strategies have been identified.[1] Classification of these strategies into a broader compages has not been agreed upon. Researchers try to group coping responses rationally, empirically by factor analysis, or through a alloy of both techniques.[two] In the early days, Folkman and Lazarus separate the coping strategies into four groups, namely problem-focused, emotion-focused, back up-seeking, and meaning-making coping.[3] [four] Weiten has identified 4 types of coping strategies:[5] appraisal-focused (adaptive cognitive), problem-focused (adaptive behavioral), emotion-focused, and occupation-focused coping. Billings and Moos added avoidance coping as 1 of the emotion-focused coping.[6] Some scholars have questioned the psychometric validity of forced categorisation as those strategies are not independent to each other.[vii] Likewise, in reality, people can adopt multiple coping strategies simultaneously.

Typically, people utilize a mixture of several types of coping strategies, which may change over fourth dimension. All these strategies can evidence useful, but some claim that those using problem-focused coping strategies will adjust improve to life.[viii] Trouble-focused coping mechanisms may allow an individual greater perceived control over their problem, whereas emotion-focused coping may sometimes pb to a reduction in perceived control (maladaptive coping).

Lazarus "notes the connection between his idea of 'defensive reappraisals' or cognitive coping and Freud's concept of 'ego-defenses'",[ix] coping strategies thus overlapping with a person's defense mechanisms.

Appraisement-focused coping strategies [edit]

Appraisal-focused (adaptive cerebral) strategies occur when the person modifies the way they call back, for example: employing denial, or distancing oneself from the problem. Individuals who utilise appraisal coping strategies purposely change their perspective on their situation in order to take a more positive outlook on their situation.[10] An example of appraisement coping strategies could be an individual purchasing tickets to a football game, knowing their medical condition would likely cause them to non be able to nourish.[eleven] People may alter the way they think about a problem past altering their goals and values, such every bit by seeing the humor in a state of affairs: "some take suggested that humor may play a greater office as a stress moderator among women than men".[12]

Adaptive behavioural coping strategies [edit]

The psychological coping mechanisms are commonly termed coping strategies or coping skills. The term coping generally refers to adaptive (effective) coping strategies, that is, strategies which reduce stress. In contrast, other coping strategies may be coined as maladaptive, if they increment stress. Maladaptive coping is therefore also described, based on its upshot, every bit non-coping. Furthermore, the term coping more often than not refers to reactive coping, i.e. the coping response which follows the stressor. This differs from proactive coping, in which a coping response aims to neutralize a future stressor. Hidden or unconscious strategies (e.g. defense mechanisms) are generally excluded from the surface area of coping.

The effectiveness of the coping attempt depends on the type of stress, the private, and the circumstances. Coping responses are partly controlled by personality (habitual traits), but besides partly past the social surroundings, particularly the nature of the stressful environment.[1] People using problem-focused strategies try to bargain with the crusade of their problem. They do this by finding out information on the problem and learning new skills to manage the problem. Problem-focused coping is aimed at irresolute or eliminating the source of the stress. The three trouble-focused coping strategies identified by Folkman and Lazarus are: taking control, information seeking, and evaluating the pros and cons. However, problem-focused coping may not be necessarily adaptive, but backfire, especially in the uncontrollable case that one cannot brand the problem become away.[4]

Emotion-focused coping strategies [edit]

Emotion-focused strategies involve:

  • releasing pent-up emotions
  • distracting oneself[two]
  • managing hostile feelings
  • meditating
  • mindfulness practices[13]
  • using systematic relaxation procedures.

Emotion-focused coping "is oriented toward managing the emotions that accompany the perception of stress".[14] The five emotion-focused coping strategies identified past Folkman and Lazarus[9] are:

  • disclaiming
  • escape-avoidance
  • accepting responsibleness or blame
  • exercising cocky-control
  • and positive reappraisal.

Emotion-focused coping is a mechanism to convalesce distress by minimizing, reducing, or preventing, the emotional components of a stressor.[15] This mechanism can be practical through a variety of ways, such as:

  • seeking social support
  • reappraising the stressor in a positive light
  • accepting responsibleness
  • using avoidance
  • exercising self-control
  • distancing[15] [16]

The focus of this coping mechanism is to change the meaning of the stressor or transfer attention away from information technology.[xvi] For case, reappraising tries to discover a more positive meaning of the cause of the stress in order to reduce the emotional component of the stressor. Avoidance of the emotional distress will distract from the negative feelings associated with the stressor. Emotion-focused coping is well suited for stressors that seem uncontrollable (ex. a final illness diagnosis, or the loss of a loved one).[xv] Some mechanisms of emotion focused coping, such as distancing or avoidance, can have alleviating outcomes for a short catamenia of time, yet they can be detrimental when used over an extended period. Positive emotion-focused mechanisms, such as seeking social support, and positive re-appraisement, are associated with beneficial outcomes.[17] Emotional arroyo coping is one form of emotion-focused coping in which emotional expression and processing is used to adaptively manage a response to a stressor.[18] Other examples include relaxation training through deep animate, meditation, yoga, music and art therapy, and aromatherapy,[19] besides equally grounding, which uses concrete sensations or mental distractions to refocus from the stressor to present.[20]

Health theory of coping [edit]

The health theory of coping aims to overcome the limitations of previous theories of coping,[21] describing coping strategies within categories that are conceptually clear, mutually exclusive, comprehensive, functionally homogenous, functionally distinct, generative and flexible, explains the continuum of coping strategies.[22] The usefulness of all coping strategies to reduce astute distress is acknowledged, however, strategies are categorised as healthy or unhealthy depending on their likelihood of additional adverse consequences. Salubrious categories are self-soothing, relaxation/distraction, social support and professional back up. Unhealthy coping categories are negative self-talk, harmful activities (e.g., emotional eating, verbal or physical aggression, alcohol, drugs, cocky-harm), social withdrawal, and suicidality. Unhealthy coping strategies are used when healthy coping strategies are overwhelmed, not in the absence of healthy coping strategies.[23] Some approaches of coping consider information technology every bit a process[24] and take suggested promoting self-care strategies.[25]

Reactive and proactive coping [edit]

Nearly coping is reactive in that the coping response follows stressors. Anticipating and reacting to a time to come stressor is known as proactive coping or future-oriented coping.[xiv] Anticipation is when 1 reduces the stress of some difficult challenge by anticipating what it will be like and preparing for how one is going to cope with it.


Social coping recognises that individuals are bedded within a social environment, which can exist stressful, but likewise is the source of coping resource, such as seeking social support from others.[14]

Humor [edit]

Humour used equally a positive coping method may accept useful benefits to emotional and mental health well-beingness. By having a humorous outlook on life, stressful experiences tin can be and are often minimized. This coping method corresponds with positive emotional states and is known to be an indicator of mental health.[26] Physiological processes are also influenced within the practice of humor. For example, laughing may reduce muscle tension, increase the menstruation of oxygen to the blood, do the cardiovascular region, and produce endorphins in the trunk.[27] Using humor in coping while processing through feelings can vary depending on life circumstance and individual sense of humour styles. In regards to grief and loss in life occurrences, it has been constitute that 18-carat laughs/smiles when speaking virtually the loss predicted later aligning and evoked more positive responses from other people.[28] A person might besides find comedic relief with others around irrational possible outcomes for the deceased funeral service. It is also possible that humor would be used by people to feel a sense of control over a more powerless state of affairs and used as way to temporarily escape a feeling of helplessness. Exercised humor can be a sign of positive adjustment too as drawing support and interaction from others effectually the loss.[29]

Negative techniques (maladaptive coping or non-coping) [edit]

Whereas adaptive coping strategies improve functioning, a maladaptive coping technique (also termed non-coping) will just reduce symptoms while maintaining or strengthening the stressor. Maladaptive techniques are only constructive equally a curt-term rather than long-term coping procedure.

Examples of maladaptive behavior strategies include dissociation, sensitization, safe behaviors, anxious avoidance, rationalisation and escape (including self-medication).

These coping strategies interfere with the person'due south ability to unlearn, or interruption apart, the paired association between the situation and the associated anxiety symptoms. These are maladaptive strategies equally they serve to maintain the disorder.

Dissociation is the ability of the mind to separate and compartmentalize thoughts, memories, and emotions. This is oftentimes associated with mail service traumatic stress syndrome.

Sensitization is when a person seeks to learn about, rehearse, and/or conceptualize fearful events in a protective effort to forestall these events from occurring in the first identify.

Safety behaviors are demonstrated when individuals with anxiety disorders come to rely on something, or someone, equally a ways of coping with their excessive feet.

Rationalisation is the practise of attempting to employ reasoning to minimise the severity of an incident, or avoid budgeted it in ways that could crusade psychological trauma or stress. It well-nigh commonly manifests in the form of making excuses for the behaviour of the person engaging in the rationalisation, or others involved in the situation the person is attempting to rationalise.

Anxious avoidance is when a person avoids anxiety provoking situations by all ways. This is the nearly common method.

Escape is closely related to avoidance. This technique is frequently demonstrated past people who experience panic attacks or have phobias. These people want to flee the state of affairs at the start sign of feet.[xxx]

Farther examples [edit]

Further examples of coping strategies include[31] emotional or instrumental support, self-lark, deprival, substance use, self-blame, behavioral detachment and the use of drugs or alcohol.[32]

Many people think that meditation "not only calms our emotions, simply...makes u.s.a. feel more than 'together'", as also can "the kind of prayer in which you're trying to achieve an inner quietness and peace".[33]

Low-effort syndrome or depression-effort coping refers to the coping responses of a person refusing to work difficult. For example, a student at school may learn to put in only minimal effort as they believe if they put in endeavor it could unveil their flaws.[34]

Historical psychoanalytic theories [edit]

Otto Fenichel [edit]

Otto Fenichel summarized early psychoanalytic studies of coping mechanisms in children as "a gradual exchange of actions for mere discharge reactions...[&] the evolution of the function of judgement" – noting however that "behind all agile types of mastery of external and internal tasks, a readiness remains to fall back on passive-receptive types of mastery."[35]

In adult cases of "acute and more than or less 'traumatic' upsetting events in the life of normal persons", Fenichel stressed that in coping, "in conveying out a 'work of learning' or 'piece of work of adjustment', [s]he must acknowledge the new and less comfy reality and fight tendencies towards regression, towards the misinterpretation of reality", though such rational strategies "may be mixed with relative allowances for rest and for small regressions and compensatory wish fulfillment, which are recuperative in effect".[36]

Karen Horney [edit]

In the 1940s, the German Freudian psychoanalyst Karen Horney "developed her mature theory in which individuals cope with the feet produced by feeling unsafe, unloved, and undervalued by disowning their spontaneous feelings and developing elaborate strategies of defence."[37] Horney divers 4 then-called coping strategies to define interpersonal relations, one describing psychologically good for you individuals, the others describing neurotic states.

The healthy strategy she termed "Moving with" is that with which psychologically healthy people develop relationships. It involves compromise. In club to move with, there must be communication, understanding, disagreement, compromise, and decisions. The 3 other strategies she described – "Moving toward", "Moving against" and "Moving away" – represented neurotic, unhealthy strategies people utilize in social club to protect themselves.

Horney investigated these patterns of neurotic needs (compulsive attachments).[38] The neurotics might experience these attachments more than strongly because of difficulties inside their lives. If the neurotic does not experience these needs, they will feel anxiety. The ten needs are:[39]

  1. Affection and approval, the need to please others and be liked.
  2. A partner who will take over one'south life, based on the thought that dear will solve all of one'south problems.
  3. Brake of one's life to narrow borders, to exist undemanding, satisfied with little, inconspicuous; to simplify i's life.
  4. Power, for control over others, for a facade of omnipotence, caused by a desperate want for forcefulness and dominance.
  5. Exploitation of others; to get the better of them.
  6. Social recognition or prestige, acquired by an aberrant business organization for appearances and popularity.
  7. Personal admiration.
  8. Personal accomplishment.
  9. Cocky-sufficiency and independence.
  10. Perfection and unassailability, a desire to be perfect and a fear of being flawed.

In Compliance, also known every bit "Moving toward" or the "Self-effacing solution", the individual moves towards those perceived as a threat to avert retribution and getting hurt, "making any cede, no matter how detrimental."[forty] The argument is, "If I give in, I won't get hurt." This ways that: if I give everyone I run across equally a potential threat whatever they want, I won't be injured (physically or emotionally). This strategy includes neurotic needs 1, two, and iii.[41]

In Withdrawal, too known as "Moving abroad" or the "Resigning solution", individuals distance themselves from anyone perceived equally a threat to avoid getting hurt – "the 'mouse-hole' attitude ... the security of unobtrusiveness."[42] The statement is, "If I do non allow anyone close to me, I won't become hurt." A neurotic, according to Horney desires to exist distant because of being abused. If they can be the extreme introvert, no one will always develop a human relationship with them. If at that place is no one around, nobody can hurt them. These "moving away" people fight personality, so they oftentimes come beyond as common cold or shallow. This is their strategy. They emotionally remove themselves from society. Included in this strategy are neurotic needs three, 9, and ten.[41]

In Aggression, too known as the "Moving confronting" or the "Expansive solution", the individual threatens those perceived as a threat to avoid getting hurt. Children might react to parental in-differences by displaying anger or hostility. This strategy includes neurotic needs four, v, 6, vii, and eight.[43]

Related to the work of Karen Horney, public assistants scholars[44] developed a classification of coping past frontline workers when working with clients (see besides the piece of work of Michael Lipsky on street-level bureaucracy). This coping nomenclature is focused on the behavior workers tin display towards clients when confronted with stress. They bear witness that during public service delivery there are 3 main families of coping:

- Moving towards clients: Coping past helping clients in stressful situations. An instance is a teacher working overtime to assistance students.
- Moving away from clients: Coping by avoiding meaningful interactions with clients in stressful situations. An case is a public retainer stating "the office is very decorated today, delight return tomorrow."
- Moving against clients: Coping by confronting clients. For instance, teachers can cope with stress when working with students by imposing very rigid rules, such as no cellphone employ in form and sending everyone to the part when they utilise a cellphone. Furthermore, aggression towards clients is besides included hither.

In their systematic review of 35 years of the literature, the scholars plant that the most often used family is moving towards clients (43% of all coping fragments). Moving away from clients was establish in 38% of all coping fragments and Moving against clients in xix%.

Heinz Hartmann [edit]

In 1937, the psychoanalyst (as well as a physician, psychologist, and psychiatrist) Heinz Hartmann marked it as the evolution of ego psychology by publishing his paper, "Me" (which was afterwards translated into English in 1958, titled, "The Ego and the Problem of Adaptation").[45] Hartmann focused on the adaptive progression of the ego "through the mastery of new demands and tasks".[46] In fact, according to his adaptive point of view, in one case infants were born they have the ability to exist able to cope with the demands of their surroundings.[45] In his wake, ego psychology farther stressed "the development of the personality and of 'ego-strengths'...adaptation to social realities".[47]

Object relations [edit]

Emotional intelligence has stressed the importance of "the chapters to soothe oneself, to shake off rampant anxiety, gloom, or irritability....People who are poor in this power are constantly battling feelings of distress, while those who excel in it tin bounce dorsum far more than quickly from life's setbacks and upsets".[48] From this perspective, "the fine art of soothing ourselves is a primal life skill; some psychoanalytic thinkers, such as John Bowlby and D. W. Winnicott see this every bit the most essential of all psychic tools."[49]

Object relations theory has examined the childhood development both of "[i]ndependent coping...chapters for self-soothing", and of "[a]ided coping. Emotion-focused coping in infancy is often accomplished through the assistance of an adult."[l]

Gender differences [edit]

Gender differences in coping strategies are the means in which men and women differ in managing psychological stress. There is bear witness that males oftentimes develop stress due to their careers, whereas females often encounter stress due to issues in interpersonal relationships.[51] Early studies indicated that "at that place were gender differences in the sources of stressors, but gender differences in coping were relatively small after controlling for the source of stressors";[52] and more recent work has similarly revealed "minor differences between women's and men's coping strategies when studying individuals in similar situations."[53]

In general, such differences as exist indicate that women tend to employ emotion-focused coping and the "tend-and-befriend" response to stress, whereas men tend to utilise problem-focused coping and the "fight-or-flight" response, perhaps because societal standards encourage men to be more than individualistic, while women are often expected to be interpersonal. An culling caption for the aforementioned differences involves genetic factors. The caste to which genetic factors and social workout influence behavior, is the subject of ongoing debate.[54]

Physiological footing [edit]

Hormones also play a part in stress direction. Cortisol, a stress hormone, was found to exist elevated in males during stressful situations. In females, nevertheless, cortisol levels were decreased in stressful situations, and instead, an increase in limbic activity was discovered. Many researchers believe that these results underlie the reasons why men administer a fight-or-flight reaction to stress; whereas, females have a tend-and-befriend reaction.[55] The "fight-or-flight" response activates the sympathetic nervous arrangement in the form of increased focus levels, adrenaline, and epinephrine. Conversely, the "tend-and-befriend" reaction refers to the tendency of women to protect their offspring and relatives. Although these 2 reactions support a genetic footing to differences in behavior, one should not assume that in full general females cannot implement "fight-or-flight" behavior or that males cannot implement "tend-and-befriend" behavior. Additionally, this study implied differing health impacts for each gender as a result of the contrasting stress-processes.

See as well [edit]

  • Adaptive performance
  • Communal coping
  • Dyscopia
  • Defence mechanisms § Level 4: mature
  • Emotional eating
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Experiential avoidance
  • Grief
  • Invisible back up
  • Life skills
  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction
  • Music as a coping strategy
  • Psychological resilience
  • Psychological trauma
  • Self-compassion
  • Self-concealment
  • Cocky-command
  • Social sharing of emotions
  • Strong upper lip
  • Stigma direction
  • Stimming
  • Stress
  • Stress management

References [edit]

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  51. ^ Davis, Mary C.; Matthews, Karen A.; Twamley, Elizabeth West. (1999). "Is life more hard on mars or venus? A meta-analytic review of sex differences in major and small-scale life events". Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 21 (1): 83–97. doi:ten.1007/BF02895038. PMID 18425659. S2CID 3679256.
  52. ^ Billings, Andrew M.; Moos, Rudolf H. (1981). "The function of coping responses and social resources in attenuating the stress of life events". Journal of Behavioral Medicine. four (2): 139–57. doi:10.1007/BF00844267. PMID 7321033. S2CID 206785490.
  53. ^ Brannon, Linda; Feist, Jess (2009). Wellness Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health: An Introduction to Behavior and Health (seventh ed.). Wadsworth Cengage Learning. p. 125. ISBN978-0-495-60132-half-dozen.
  54. ^ Washburn-Ormachea, Jill Yard.; Hillman, Stephen B.; Sawilowsky, Shlomo S. (2004). "Gender and Gender-Role Orientation Differences on Adolescents' Coping with Peer Stressors". Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 33 (1): 31–forty. doi:10.1023/A:1027330213113. S2CID 92981782.
  55. ^ Wang, J.; Korczykowski, Chiliad.; Rao, H.; Fan, Y.; Pluta, J.; Gur, R.C.; McEwen, B.S.; Detre, J.A. (2007). "Gender difference in neural response to psychological stress". Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2 (3): 227–39. doi:x.1093/scan/nsm018. PMC1974871. PMID 17873968.

Sources [edit]

  • Harrington, Rick (2013). Stress, health & well-being thriving in the 21st century. ISBN978-1-111-83161-5. OCLC 781848419.
  • Folkman, Susan; Moskowitz, Judith Tedlie (February 2004). "Coping: Pitfalls and Promise". Annual Review of Psychology. 55 (1): 745–774. doi:x.1146/annurev.psych.55.090902.141456. PMID 14744233.

Further reading [edit]

  • Susan Folkman and Richard S. Lazarus, "Coping and Emotion", in Nancy Stein et al. eds., Psychological and Biological Approaches to Emotion (1990)
  • Brougham, Reddish R.; Zail, Christy M.; Mendoza, Celeste M.; Miller, Janine R. (2009). "Stress, Sex Differences, and Coping Strategies Among Higher Students". Current Psychology. 28 (two): 85–97. doi:x.1007/s12144-009-9047-0. S2CID 18784775.

External links [edit]

  • Spirituality and Health
  • Mental Wellness Coping Skills
  • Coping Skills for Trauma
  • Coping Strategies for Children and Teenagers Living with Domestic Violence


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coping

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